Thank you for taking the time to read my very first blog. I thought a good place to start would be to share a little behind the scenes info with you about why I love scarves and images and how it all started.
I really did have an inspirational moment a few years ago which set the ball rolling. I'd been away with friends on a special holiday and spent a few moments taking photographs of our swimming pool. Random I know but I became mesmerized by the sparkle as the light caught the surface of the water. I don't know how long I stood there snapping away but I just became fascinated by the movement of the water. Maybe I was even having a mindful moment! This then led me to thinking that these unique images were really quite special and because of the way they move, would lend themselves beautifully to being produced on silk, which is such an amazing fabric.
So my journey had begun, and its been a bit of an obsession ever since. I've explored fabrics and images and continue to do so. It took me a lot of sampling and experimenting to find the right quality silk, printing and finishing to make sure that the finished product is something that people like and are happy to wear, but the goal is to produce beautiful silk scarves inspired by natural moments and patterns that really give the wearer a unique experience.
Have a look through the collection and I'll share my next step in the journey soon!
Charlotte x
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